newsMarch 4, 2020

The University Foundation has pursued the purchase of two properties outside of the campus perimeter due to plans of expansion, according to Vice President for Finance and Administration Kathy Mangels.

Graphic by Ally Bruemmer
Graphic by Ally Bruemmer

The University Foundation has pursued the purchase of two properties outside of the campus perimeter due to plans of expansion, according to Vice President for Finance and Administration Kathy Mangels.

Mangels said purchasing property has shown to be more financially beneficial than immediate renovations on closed residence halls.

“It's not that we're out just buying property,” Mangels said. “If there's some strategic [available lots] that come up, we take advantage of it.”

Registered architects and engineers conducted a building-by-building assessment of all 111 Southeast-owned and/or leased facilities during the summer of 2016 to contribute to Southeast’s 2018-2028 University Master Plan, which schedules university projects based on priority, according to the University Master Plan.

__1216 Broadway property__

Southeast’s Board of Regents approved the purchase of property at 1216 Broadway during a meeting Oct. 24, according to a university news release.

The property is located near the university’s gateway entry at Broadway and Henderson Avenue, making it an “attractive and convenient addition to the university,” Mangels said.

“The current owner intends to demolish the house before we take ownership, so we'll just get a flat piece of property,” she said.

Mangels said no plans for use of the property had been made Tuesday, Feb. 11, but Mangels noted the purchase will permit future growth for the university.

__Morgan Oak expansion__

The University Foundation also continues to expand the River Campus through a partnership with Arrowhead Investments, which owns property at 340 S. Frederick along Morgan Oak Street.

Mangels said the property owner will fund renovations to the Morgan Oak property to meet university needs while offering a lease-to-own option to Southeast.

“We are always looking at properties in that area to get the space that we need for expanding the college of what's now [Holland College of Arts and Media],” Mangels said.

Mangels said the idea behind purchasing property on Morgan Oak is to bring various academic departments related to the arts closer in proximity to the River Campus, which already houses music, theater and dance courses as well as programming.

She said the move will help transition from a spread out programming module to a unified single location.

The art classes related to painting operate out of studios located at the main and River campuses. Printmaking and digital artwork are in studios located at the River Campus.

Metal and wood sculpting are located in the basement of Serena and ceramics is located at a leased space on Pacific Street.

The building will have spaces for painting; a variety of sculpture – woodworking, metals, 3D materials and mixed media – and ceramics, according to a university news release.

Mangels said art classes need special accommodations for their work such as high ceilings, concrete floors with drains or exhaust systems.

Students will be able to take advantage of a shared plaster room; a classroom where 3D printers and a variety of technology will be available for students to view mock-ups and model work; and a student gallery. Additionally, there will be an outdoor patio space where students can work on large ceramics and outdoor sculpture pieces, according to a university news release.

“Renovating an existing building has to work for the type of space you need,” Mangels said. “Sometimes it does, and sometimes the amount of renovations [that are] needed aren't as [costly] as building new, but you have to weigh that with every project.”

Mangels said the property on Morgan Oak is attractive because it would provide a space for future projects and accommodate the 4- to 5-year priority schedule within the Master Plan.

Renovation work on the structure could begin this spring, with the first phase potentially opening in fall 2021, according to a university news release.

__Residential Halls__

Mangels said university administration does not have any plans determined for closed residence halls which have needs in terms of maintenance and major repairs.

Dearmont Hall, which closed in the fall 2019, requires an estimated $26,909,140 replacement value based on 2015 construction dollars, according to the Master Plan. Due to the facility condition, the Master Plan recommends demolishing and beginning new construction, whether it is for a green space, outdoor learning or a mixed-use residential and academic building.

The Master Plan lists Cheney Hall, which has been fully shut down since 2017, as high priority, which means university administration hopes to complete the project within one to three years. Recommendations for the facility, based on the Facility Inventory Condition Assessment System (FICAS) report required by the State of Missouri in December 2016, included an estimated $7,443,285 renovation for additional community-style housing on campus.

Due to physical building conditions, Cheney Hall requires a full renovation at an estimated $10,881,773 replacement value based on 2015 construction dollars, according to the Master Plan.

“One of the things you do have to look at is, ‘Does it make sense to put that amount of dollars into renovating or does it actually end up being a higher per-square-foot cost than building something new or a different type of building?’” Mangels said.

According to the Master Plan, Henderson Hall, which was closed over the summer, requires an estimated $6,018,562 replacement value based on 2015 construction dollars. Due to the facility’s condition, the Master Plan recommended demolition and new construction, whether it be new surface parking, a multi-level parking structure or a new residence life facility.

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