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Kelly Lu Holder
April 30, 2014
Student report examines Southeast's LGBTQ policies
Research conducted at Southeast Missouri State University shows an estimated 8 percent of the student population at Southeast is lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender or questioning/queer. That's more than a thousand students who identify as LGBTQ, not including fa...
April 21, 2014
Chartwells now offers Subway To Go
Subway standards say production should be one minute per sandwich, but at Southeast Missouri State University they're averaging 1.75 sandwiches made per minute, so you think Southeast would be ahead when it comes to the sandwich-making game. But when you factor in ...
April 7, 2014
Red Bus Project raises money for orphans
The Red Bus Project is a double-decker bus that doubles as a traveling thrift shop. The Red Bus visits college campuses all across the country, giving college students the opportunity to help orphans and adoption agency efforts around the world.
March 3, 2014
Senior nutrition and dietetics students offer free counseling
Anyone can pay hundreds of dollars to hire a professional dietitian but it sounds silly to drain your bank account when every spring semester trained nutrition students are giving out their knowledge of a healthy lifestyle for free.
February 17, 2014
Alumni event Southeast Day at Busch Stadium returns after five-year lapse
Southeast Day at Busch Stadium is back. A tradition running on 28 years took a halt at Southeast Missouri State University in 2009, but it has made its way back onto Southeast's calendar of events. The event at Busch Stadium, sponsored by the Alumni Association, wa...
January 31, 2014
Musical theater grad takes on a cat-like persona in new role
Southeast Missouri State graduate Keith Johnson went from headlining shows at the River Campus to making his step towards fame after being cast in the theater production of "Cats" at a theater in San Diego. Johnson graduated from Southeast with a Bachelor's of Fine...
January 20, 2014
Exterior of River Campus residence hall begins to take shape
Back in 2012 the Southeast Missouri State Board of Regents approved building a new residence hall next to the River Campus to meet the overall need of students. Now that plan is getting close to completion with a possible finished date of July 31. Kim Fees, assista...
January 20, 2014
Southeast's rumor mill provides feedback for the curious on campus
In past years at Southeast Missouri State University many rumors have circulated around campus ranging from "Dobbins dressing up like Santa and passing out presents to students" to talk of Southeast importing squirrels to beautify the campus.
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