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Matt Morey
September 14, 2022
SGA modifies “Good Standing” requirement, highlights open positions for the new year
The SEMO Student Government Association (SGA) voted to alter the requirement to be in “Good Standing” with the University as a qualification for SGA membership to include only undergraduate students, and the SGA candidates for Man and Woman of the Year...
September 2, 2022
Stars aligned for astronomy club’s telescope event
On the quad between Johnson, Magill, and Rhodes Halls on Thursday, Sept. 1, from 7 to 9 p.m., Saturn could be seen. So could the constellation Cygnus and Vega — the brightest star in the Lyra star system. These celestial bodies were visible with the aid of SEMO’s A...
August 26, 2022
President Biden relieves student debt for low income earners
On Tuesday, President of the United States Joe Biden announced a student loan debt relief program that he had promised in his campaign. He said people making under $125,000 could qualify, leaving out the top 5% of income earners. He said he would forgive $10,000 pe...
August 24, 2022
Fager-McGee wins bid to reconstruct Houck Field at $15 million
SEMO’s Board of Governors have approved a contract for the renovation of Houck Stadium’s south grandstand and sideline with Fager-McGee Commercial Construction winning the construction bid of $15,978,100. Of the two general contractors who vied for construction, D...
May 9, 2022
Arts department celebrates arts with auction, exhibit and performance showcase
The Holland College of Arts presented its Celebrate the Arts event with a variety of performances from across the arts such as opera, ballet, modern dance and country music on Thursday, May 5 as well as an auction lasting until Saturday, May 7 that will help to ben...
April 20, 2022
Steel sculptures, oil paintings and acrylics liven up Brandt Hall in art exhibition
Brandt Hall, which houses the Department of Criminal Justice, Social Work and Sociology, will exhibit 15 artworks from students now through November.
April 1, 2022
DPS says shuttle trackers down until fall, to be replaced by third-party application
The shuttle tracking service application will be down for the rest of the semester, assistant vice president of Information Technology (IT) Floyd Davenport said. He said the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is trying to replace it this summer with a new third-part...
March 14, 2022
Ukrainian students discuss invasion, pray for peace outside Academic Hall
Ukrainian students met Sunday, Feb. 27, in front of Academic Hall, displaying their country's flag and a heart with the same colors to pray for peace.
March 9, 2022
SGA call for impeachment overturned against streamlined bylaw, in-state budget increases for Missour...
At the March 7 Student Government Association (SGA) meeting, a member brought an impeachment charge to committee members for ignoring a by-law to accelerate a Senate resignation. Price changes which raise in-state and lower out-of-state tuition were discussed as we...
February 18, 2022
How SEMO warmed to Wordle
The first rule of Wordle is you don’t talk about Wordle.
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