In today’s fast-paced world, where daily responsibilities seem to take center stage, having a hobby is more important than ever. Whether it’s painting, gardening or hiking, pursuing those activities that bring you joy can offer great benefits for mental, physical and emotional health.
According to a study published in Nature Medicine in 2023, having a hobby can improve health, mood, and overall well-being. Researchers reviewed data from over 93,000 people across 16 countries, including the U.S. Those who participated in hobbies reported better health, happiness and fewer symptoms of depression than those without hobbies.
These findings highlighted how hobbies can have a positive impact on various aspects of life, but one of the more significant benefits lies in their ability to boost mental health and emotional well-being.
According to Neuroscience News, social-prescribing programs–which encourage patients to take on hobbies like gardening or art–can improve your mental health and well-being. Additionally, treatments called behavioral activation–which involves scheduling activities you enjoy into your day–have been shown to alleviate symptoms of clinical depression.
This means activities such as exercising, playing an instrument, drawing, reading or crafting can be effective in both approaches to boost positive mental health. Hobbies can also be an effective source of stress relief.
But hobbies don’t only help us to deal with mental health issues. They can actually improve our cognitive health. A board-certified neurologist Dr. Kimberly Johnson said that while genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors can influence cognitive health, engaging in hobbies and leisure activities has been confirmed as a protective factor for older adults. Research showed that older adults with symptoms of depression who participated in hobbies maintained better cognitive function.
While mental and emotional benefits are important, some hobbies can also help to boost your physical health. Research from South Denver Cardiology said that spending your downtime on hobbies or enjoyable activities can lower your blood pressure and reduce cortisol levels. While eating well and exercising are still important, taking time to unwind with your favorite hobby can also provide significant health benefits.
Understanding the benefits of hobbies is one thing, but being able to incorporate them into daily routine is another. A common obstacle to picking up new hobbies or even focusing on the ones we already enjoy is a lack of time. To make time for your hobbies, find gaps in your schedule and set aside a specific time each week to focus on that activity.
Research shows that taking small breaks during work can improve your productivity, so taking a break to do a stress-relieving hobby can also be beneficial. Lastly, assess how much time you typically spend on work, watching TV or using social media, and consider redirecting that time to your hobbies.
Hobbies are more than just an enjoyable activity–they can provide benefits for mental, physical and cognitive health. From reducing stress to improving those cognitive skills, engaging in hobbies you love can have a lasting positive impact. In a world that is constantly moving, prioritizing your hobbies is a crucial part of maintaining a healthy and balanced life.