newsFebruary 24, 2014

Comedian and love coach Daniel Packard presented his Live Group Sex Therapy Show as part of the Student Activities Council comedy series Tuesday night.

<b>Daniel Packard.</b> Submitted photo
<b>Daniel Packard.</b> Submitted photo

Comedian and love coach Daniel Packard presented his Live Group Sex Therapy Show as part of the Student Activities Council comedy series Tuesday night. Despite the name that may get some attention, the comedian focused more on finding love in the right way and the importance of self-image when wanting to find a partner for a healthy relationship. Packard made sure to address both sides of the relationship, understanding that men and women have different and similar needs when looking for love.

"I primarily work with women to find love, but I'm on everybody's side," Packard said. "I've dealt with all the usual things guys tend to struggle with when wanting to find the right girl, so I see it from both perspectives."

To emphasize that men and women tend to not see the other gender's perspective of a relationship, Packard had SAC members show attendants to their seats, with males being on one side and females on the other. Packard often had the audience interact during the show by asking one side a question about the other gender, such as what frustrates them about the opposite sex. During this audience participation attendees were able to hear differences and similarities of what was wanted in a relationship that may not be openly addressed all the time.

"Each gender in my opinion struggles with a lot of the same things," Packard said. "We need to find the authentic person behind what we don't always show. It's essential in order to find love."

Aside from all joking, Packard discussed the fear that people create when dealing with love and relationships seriously, often being the root of frustration, anger and insecurities that drive negative emotions. Packard used his own personal experiences to explain this fear, stating that he too would become frustrated with love and believe he was not good enough for a relationship.

The idea of "being good enough" for love was a large topic of discussion during the show that Packard always came back to address. Packard related the idea of being good enough for friends should be the same when looking for a healthy relationship.

"Enough and not enough do not exist. Fearful behavior of rejection and not being good enough pushes us away from love and we don't realize we do it. You need to love who you are because everyone is good enough," Packard said.

Digging even deeper into the real world experience of how to love yourself before loving others was shown through specific audience examples read aloud, along with two attendees who were picked to participate on stage with Packard. Packard had the audience members discuss what made them lack confidence when dealing with relationships, the main issues being appearance and being embarrassed by showing one's true self.

One on-stage participant who was asked to compliment a random female audience member found his voice and confidence with encouragement from Packard and the audience.

"I was really nervous because I've never said anything like that to a girl, but since he [Packard] had the audience back me up it wasn't as bad," senior Danny Drust said. "I honestly thought this was going to be a show about sex jokes, but it was surprisingly educational and encouraging."

Many other attendants found Packard entertaining not only for his humor, but also for his ways of communicating examples to the audience on a more emotional level.

"Daniel [Packard] was the sweetest and funniest comedian I've ever seen," freshman Allison Eldridge said. "He taught me that I am good enough."

Packard encouraged the audience to not close themselves behind walls of insecurities, stress and frustration. His advice concentrated on how people tend to waste too much time trying to "figure out" the other gender, often becoming an excuse of why relationships are impossible. Packard closed with a message stating that a relationship is out there waiting for everyone, and in order to be happy a person needs to confidently show their true self all the time.

"He was very fun, and I hope he is available to come back again sometime soon for another show," said freshman Tyler Hutcheson.

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