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Matthew Dollard
September 24, 2018
Shipyard missed the boat
Three days after Shipyard Music Festival the massive staging and signage is still being removed from the outdoor venue, located next door to the Rust Center for Media, from which the Arrow operates. Cape’s music history is rich. And wherever music appreciation is a...
May 3, 2018
Kelly Gant: one year later
Kelly Gant studies athletic training, rides a motorcycle and is about to finish her freshman year at Southeast. She is also a year into recovery from substance abuse. She found a recovery program she could get behind, and relationships that yield genuine happiness...
May 3, 2018
David Ludolph: a paramedic's personal connection
David Ludolph was working the night his brother died. ​ “I didn’t [respond to the call] thank God,” Ludolph said. “Someone else I was working with did.” ​ Ludolph is a paramedic for Cape County Private Ambulance and a former Southeast student. He said i...
March 26, 2018
ISSA hosts event to celebrate Indian culture
Some 500 people attended the Indian Subcontinent Student Association's Indian Night at the student Recreation Center March 23.
February 28, 2018
Cross Rivers: roots and blues festival keeps Americana culture alive
Wood and brick from floor to ceiling, Port Cape’s Yacht Club is a venue frozen in time. Tall windows look out on Water Street below and the flood wall, layered with artistic depictions of this town’s history. With a blues act on the bandstand and a freight train ch...
February 1, 2018
The only truth in this town, and where has the music gone?
“If you want to know what Cape Girardeau sounds like, I point to them.” That’s what one guy said of The Big Idea’s impact on our riverfront community. The Big Idea is a three-piece americana outfit that has been gigging the region for some 11 years. Will Montgomery...
January 29, 2018
A&E calls for submissions
For those unfamiliar with the Arrow’s Arts & Entertainment section, know that the content is about more than simple coverages of university events — at least that’s what we’re shooting for. This semester we’re pushing for a more community-focused approach and to be...
January 26, 2018
Open-mic and jam night debuted Wednesday night at Ragsdales
More than a dozen local performers took the stage Wednesday night at Ragsdales, at the corner of Broadway and Water Street, for the debut of the area’s newest open-mic and jam night. The event began at 8 p.m. and ran well past midnight with a huge variety of genres...
January 22, 2018
Dirt Band founder talks 50 years of gigging
*Editor's Note: This story first appeared in the Southeast Missourian newspaper. Solo artist, producer and founding member of the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, John McEuen has thrived in the music industry for more than half a century. But to hear him tell it, he has onl...
January 18, 2018
MLK Celebration Dinner speaker emphasizes education, civil rights
Southeast’s 13th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Dinner brought hundreds of community members together Jan. 17 at the Show-Me Center, with the message: “Where do we go from here?” The night’s keynote speaker was Freeman A. Hrabowski III, president of ...
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