Khandokar Mahmud is a second year international student majoring in computer science from Bangladesh at Southeast Missouri State University. Mahmud said he knew Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis during his time at Southeast during the spring semester.
Nafis was arrested on Wednesday in New York City for plotting to bomb the Federal Reserve Bank.
"I knew that guy just as a Bangledeshi not more than that," Mahmud said in an email.
Mahmud said the two were not close friends, though.
"I used to talk with him just as I talk with other Bangladeshi students over here," Mahmud said.
According to Mahmud, Nafis was a decent and religious guy, and was nice to everybody in regards to his manner and behavior to others.
"Never found him to act or comment something suspicious," Mahmud said.
Mahmud said Nafis seemed kind of serious about his studies because he saw him in the computer lab working on assignments.
"Moreover he was looking for an on campus job and asked for the help how to get a job," Mahmud said. "Once again I never found him suspicious."
Mahmud said Nafis wanted to do any kind of job on campus, not a specific job.
Mahmud said he didn't have have any classes with Nafis.
"He also participated in a Cricket tournament in school," Mahmud said.
Managing Editor Rachel Weatherford contributed to this report.